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Američki lijesovi


U samom centru Zagreba, u blizini tadašnje lokacije Konzulata SAD-a, nalazi se hotel Palace, u kojemu je 1990., neposredno pred rat u bivšoj Jugoslaviji, održana promocija američkih lijesova.

Tada su postojale uvozne kvote koje je odobravala jugoslavenska Savezna izvršna vlada. Indikativno je što je odobren i veliki uvoz lijesova iz SAD-a.

Promocija je imala formu za državu važnog posla, u dvorani su bile izvješene jugoslavenska, američka i tadašnja hrvatska zastava (kao federalne sastavnice bivše države) kao i hrvatski grb od karanfila, koji je bio postavljen iznad lijesa, a zanimljivo je i prisustvo ondašnjeg američkog konzula u Zagrebu.



In the very centre of Zagreb, close to what was then the US Consulate, lies the Palace Hotel, which, in 1990, just before the war in the former Yugoslavia, was the venue for an event promoting American coffins.

At that time there were import quotas that had to be approved by the central or federal government of Yugoslavia. It is quite telling that large imports of coffins from the US were approved.

The event had the form appropriate for some matter of national importance. The rooms were decked with the flags of Yugoslavia, America and Croatia (which it had as a component of the Yugoslav federation), as well as with a Croatian coat of arms in carnations, which was placed over the coffins. Also interesting is the presence of the American consul in Zagreb of the time.




  • Američki lijesovi
    Američki lijesovi, 1990. 